List of Arbitrators

List of Arbitrators


Viet Nam International Arbitration Centre panel of arbitrators includes domestic legal experts, international arbitrators, in addition to industry specialists. This broad array of diversity showcased on our panel directly facilitates the flexibility and efficiency of VIAC arbitration; arbitrators are appointed by, or on behalf of, the joint nomination of the Parties.

NO NAME Profession Scope of Activities Languages
1 CHU HAI THANH Dean of the Faculty of Law, Nguyen Tat Thanh University Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Commerce, Insurance, Real Estate, Construction Vietnamese, Russian
2 CHU HONG THANH Former Director General of Department of Legal Affairs at Ministry of Education and Training Arbitration, Commerce Vietnamese, English, Russian
3 NGUYEN THI HAI CHI Partner, TGT & Partners Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Arbitration, Commerce, International Trade, Banking & Finance Vietnamese, English
4 TRAN DINH THIEN Director of Vietnam Institute of Economics Vietnamese, English, Russian
5 NGUYEN DINH THO Chief of Nguyen Dinh Tho Lawyer’s Office Vietnamese, Russian
6 VO THANH THU Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics Investment Vietnamese, English, Russian
7 PHAN HUU THU Head of Pham Huu Thu & Associates Law Firm Vietnamese, English, Russian, French
8 TA THI THUAN Former Deputy Director General of Petrolimex Insurance Corporation (PJICO) Investment Vietnamese, English
9 PHAN THI BINH THUAN Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Justice Vietnamese, English
10 TRUONG THANH THUY Bao Viet Insurance Corporation Insurance Vietnamese, English
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