A conference presented by the IBA Asia Pacific Arbitration Group, supported by the IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum, the IBA Arbitration Committee the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC).
Online registrations received: (Click here)
* The IBA corporate group member is a reduced rate offered to the in-house legal department of international corporations. This rate is only applicable if your company has a corporate group membership with the IBA.
** By paying the non-member fee, we welcome you as a delegate member of the IBA for the year in which this conference is held, which entitles you to the following benefits:
Password access to certain parts of the IBA website.
Receipt of IBA E-news and access to online versions of IBA Global Insight.
The member rate for any subsequent conference registrations for this calendar year.
Conference Luncheon Sponsor
Conference Refreshment Break Sponsor
For more details please refer to the flyer attached below.
Download attachments: Click here.