When doing businesses in Vietnam whether through an offshore entity (by way of a cross-border transaction), a branch office or a foreign invested enterprise, you will need to address two key questions: what can and should optimally be the choice of law to govern your contracts and what should be the forum for the resolution of any disputes?
Join EuroCham this event to get the updated information about Governing Law and Dispute Resolution for business operation in Vietnam.
- Topic: Business LuncheonGoverning Law and Dispute Resolution when doing businesses in Vietnam
- Time: 11.30 – 14.00, Wednesday, October 30, 2019
- Venue: Sofitel Metropole, 56 Ly Thai To, Hanoi
Considerations may include:
May Vietnamese law, the law of your home country or the law of a third party country be the governing law of the contract?
Whether to choose a Vietnamese court, a court of your home country, arbitration in Vietnam, international arbitration or mediation to resolve a contractual dispute if and when it arises? What are the pros and cons for each option?
The promulgation of the Government’s Decree No.22/2017/ND-CP on Commercial Mediation and the recently signed EVFTA’s specific regulations on the mediation of both state-state and investor-state disputes have demonstrated the special attention given by Europe and Vietnam to dispute resolution through mediation. Also with the EVFTA, Vietnamese legislators will be provided with a sound legal framework to develop commercial mediation and investment mediation.
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