
2019 Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules: Institutional Practices and Innovations in the Asia-Pacific

Oct 28, 2019

The Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA) and the Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University (ACWH) are to jointly host the chain of events from 14th to 16th August, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan. The conference theme is “A New Wave of Reflections and Reforms in International.

The 2019 Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules: Institutional Practices and Innovations in the Asia-Pacific will be held on 14 August 2019 at NTUH International Convention Center, Taipei. This Symposium invites representatives of arbitral institutions in the Asia-Pacific region to present on the latest innovations in their rules and practices.

Immediately following this Symposium, the annual Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation (co-hosted by CAA (Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei) and ACWH (Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University) will be held on 15-16 August 2019 at the same venue. This year’s Conference theme is “A New Wave of Reflections and Reforms in International Arbitration and Mediation”.

*For more details, click here (Flyer)


  1. Reform initiatives in international commercial arbitration (such as the Prague Rules comparing to the IBA Rules in the area of evidence taking).
  2. Possible reforms of the ICSID Rules.
  3. The blurring distinction between international investment arbitration and international commercial arbitration (such as the trend of commercial arbitration centers handling Investor-State disputes).
  4. The new Convention on the Enforcement of International Settlement Agreements and its corresponding UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Mediation and International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation, 2018.


2019 Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules: Institutional Practices and Innovations in the Asia-Pacific 1. Japan Commercial Arbitration Association

Prof. Masato Dogauchi, Director, Chef Arbitration and Mediation Officer of JCAA

2. Korean Commercial Arbitration Board

Professor Hi-Taek Shin, Chairman of KCAB INTERNATIONAL

3. Vietnam International Arbitration Centre

Mr. Phan Trong Dat, Deputy Secretary-General of VIAC

4. Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration

Mr. Huen Wong, Member of ther Council of SCIA

5. Pacific International Arbitration Centre

Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Dien, Co-founder and Head of Education and Training Committee of PIAC

6. Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

Dr. Winnie Jo-Mei Ma (馬若梅), Deputy Secretary-General of CAA

Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation

1. Stephan Wilske, Partner, Gleiss Lutz

2. Masato Dogauchi, Professor of Law, Waseda University; Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University; Japan Commercial Arbitration Association

3. Anselmo Reyes, International Judge of the Singapore International Commercial Court

4. Winnie Jo-Mei Ma, Deputy Secretary-General, Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

5. Joshua Karton, Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Graduate Studies and Research), Queen’s University Faculty of Law

6. Jeffrey Waincymer, Independent Arbitration Practitioner; Adjunct Professor of Law, National University of Singapore

7. Sabine Neuhaus, Associate, Kellerhals Carrad

8. Francis Law, President, Hong Kong Mediation Centre

9. Dalma Demeter, Deputy Chair, UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for Australia, University of Canberra

10. Rajesh Sharma, Senior Lecturer, Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University

11. James Boykin, Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP

12. Crina Baltag, Attorney-at-law, Senior Lecturer in Law

13. Jeffrey Lo, Legal Specialist, Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

14. Rodolphe Ruffié, Mid-level Associate, International Arbitration Group (Perth, Australia), Clifford Chance

15. Tsai-fang Chen, Associate Professor, National Chiao Tung University School of Law

16Mao-wei Lo, J.S.D. Candidate, Stanford Law School


Sunny Guan Ye Li (Ms), Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy College of Law, National Taiwan University College of Law (Official website: https://www.ntu.law.acwh.tw/) Tel: +886-2-33663366 ext. 55234 Fax: +886-2-33668965 Email: wtocenter@ntu.edu.tw

Pei-Jung Li (Ms), Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (Official Website: https://www.arbitration.org.tw/english/index.php) Tel: +886-2-27078672 ext. 51 Fax: +886-2-27078642 Email: peijungli@adr.org.tw


Hosted by: Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei & Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy College of Law, National Taiwan University College of Law

                                        Kết quả hình ảnh cho Chinese Arbitration Association                                                                                                                                      Kết quả hình ảnh cho Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy College of Law, National Taiwan University College of Law


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