

[HICAC 2024 - Side Event] Workshop on Practices & Experiences in Resolving Construction Disputes by Arbitration in Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC)

[HICAC 2024 - Side Event] Workshop on Practices & Experiences in Resolving Construction Disputes by Arbitration in Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC)

Mar 20, 2024

With the growth of the country's economy, construction is being seen as one of key sectors undergoing significant breakthroughs and changes over time. However, under this situation, disputes in this sector have been considerably increasing. According to statistics of the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC), in 2023, construction disputes saw a significant rise compared to previous periods, ranking fourth among industries whose disputes were handled by VIAC. It can be said that most of the construction disputes have great value and are immensely complicated. These disputes stem from different causes, such as disputes arising from issues on designing and consulting, claims for compensation due to delays or quality failures, and other claims for terminating contracts.

Arbitration - Mediation Symposium 2024: Third parties and influences on arbitral proceedings

Arbitration - Mediation Symposium 2024: Third parties and influences on arbitral proceedings

Feb 28, 2024

Currently, the efficiency of resolving disputes by arbitration, in particular and by alternative disputes resolutions (be abbreviated to “ ADRs ”), in general has been recognized by business community. Accordingly, not only did the number of cases resolved through arbitration and mediation significantly increase, but there was also a diversity of industries and parties’ nationalities.

Vietnam CISG Pre-Moot 2024

Vietnam CISG Pre-Moot 2024

Dec 22, 2023

The Vietnam CISG Pre-Moot has been successfully taken place for five seasons. Embarking on the next leg of this journey, Vietnam CISG Pre-Moot 2024: Enigmatrix has officially kicked off, welcoming outstanding candidates - brave warriors who will use their legal knowledge and skills to resolve disputes in international trade. This year, Vietnam CISG Pre-Moot 2024 will continue as a mock arbitration hearing based on cases concerning the 1980 Vienna Convention. Foreign Trade University, Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC), and other organizing committees aspire that Vietnam CISG Pre-Moot 2024 will serve as a stimulating academic platform for students to enhance their legal knowledge and skills while expanding their network with other students and professionals.   

Seminar on dispute resolution strategies for enterprises in the Asia-pacific region: International arbitration and alternative dispute resolutions

Seminar on dispute resolution strategies for enterprises in the Asia-pacific region: International arbitration and alternative dispute resolutions

Dec 18, 2023

As per the Regional Economic Outlook, Asia and Pacific report published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in October 2023, the Asia-Pacific region maintains its economic dynamism despite the ongoing challenges anticipated in the global economy in the near future. Furthermore, numerous Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have been established and put into effect by regional countries, contributing to the institutionalization of the region and facilitating trade and investments among contracting parties. Concurrently, Asia-Pacific's vibrant economy has also attracted considerable interest from major economies, firmly solidifying its role as an important force driving global economic growth. Nonetheless, being a potential and attractive investment region, Asia-Pacific has experienced a rising volume of transactions, marked by an increase both in value and scale of transactions, as well as potential for legal risks and disputes. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for the development and proficient implementation of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms alongside conventional methods to address disputes arising from international transactions.



Dec 12, 2023

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, international trade witnessed a robust recovery and growth, resulting in a significant increase in both the number and value of transactions. Consequently, the number of disputes has also increased, with a concomitant increase in complexity. In this context, businesses are particularly interested in resolving disputes effectively through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, particularly mediation and arbitration. In order to use these methods effectively, it is important for businesses and ADR users not only to possess a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental knowledge and skills required, but also need to keep up with the trends in dispute resolution practice.

Investment Legal Support Forum for investors in Ho Chi Minh City 2023

Investment Legal Support Forum for investors in Ho Chi Minh City 2023

Nov 07, 2023

As the country’s economic locomotive, Ho Chi Minh City has long been considered a preferred destination for many prospective investors. Compared to other areas, Ho Chi Minh City is permitted to implement a specific mechanism that aligns with the city's scale and development orientation. This can be viewed as an opportunity, but simultaneously poses numerous challenges for the business community, investors, especially amidst the unsettled business operation legal framework, which is constantly evolving and reforming.

Launching Seminar of Review Report on PPP Model Contracts and Report on Mobilizing New Financing for Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam

Launching Seminar of Review Report on PPP Model Contracts and Report on Mobilizing New Financing for Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam

Nov 08, 2023

As a part of “ Technical assistance for capacity and resilience enhancement and sustainable development ”, VIAC in coordination with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) did reports on PPP model contracts and mobilizing new financing for infrastructure projects in Vietnam. Through a series of consultation workshops in 2022 and 2023, as well as the advice and consultation of representatives of central and local state agencies, domestic and foreign investors, business associations, research institutes, etc., the authors of these reports made efforts to appropriately include the practice of implementing PPP projects in Vietnam in recent years; thereby, proposing measures and proposals towards further improvement of mechanisms, policies, and legal framework as well as increasing the efficiency of PPP projects in Vietnam.   After a thorough drafting, consultation, and finalization, VIAC and VCCI are going to cohost the “ Launching Seminar on Draft Report on PPP Model Contracts and Report on Mobilizing New Financing for Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam ”, with detailed information as follows:

[VIAC Supporting Events] ADR & Construction Industry in Vietnam: Views from Vietnam & Korea

[VIAC Supporting Events] ADR & Construction Industry in Vietnam: Views from Vietnam & Korea

Oct 25, 2023

This event will be hosted by the Society Construction Law Korea (SCL Korea) and the Society Construction Law Vietnam (SCL Vietnam) within framework of the Seoul ADR Festival 2023. With the overarching topic as “ ADR & Construction Industry in Vietnam: Views from Vietnam & Korea ”, practitioners from VIAC, KCAB, SCL KR & VN including lawyers, consultants and in-house counsels share their perspectives and experience in ADR and the Construction Industry in Vietnam.

[VIAC Supported Events] Seoul ADR Festival 2023

[VIAC Supported Events] Seoul ADR Festival 2023

Oct 25, 2023

Vietnam International Arbitration Centre is pleased to be supporting organization of the Seoul ADR Festival 2023.

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